Good Morning, And Happy Thursday!!!!
Well, what a nice relief we have today..... it's not a million degrees out!!! And the humidity is down (a little). So much nicer to take a deep breath, and not feel like I'm sucking in this thick, yucky air!
Last night was really nice. Hubby and I went out for Dinner, and then we met our friends, Nate & Judie - as well as some other friends. It was just a nice time. Fred, Nate and Neil talked business a little, while Judie had Steve signing papers to buy a house... it was funny. Never a dull moment. I pretty much sat there observing, sipping on my water, and enjoying sounds of the 60's and 70's. :)
Once Steve saw me...... he was like a magnet to me. lol! He is so creepy and weird. I don't take offense to his comments, he's just a freak. (lol, not the good kind). I am polite, and thank him... even when he calls me a MILF. (no class, but hey.... you can't teach everyone). Plus, hubby is right there to protect me, if he gets out of line.
Other than that, it was really pleasant. We love Nate and Judie. They have been good friends to us for over 7 years. Very good hearted people. Very loyal friends. It's nice to be spending time with them again. :)
We made it home at a decent hour, and I went to bed, and slept like a rock. This morning, I didn't want to get out of bed. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Things are going well. I miss my little lovie kids. I miss them a lot. But, I'm happy that they are having a fun filled summer, full of great things to do. I hope they never forget the good times, when they grow up. They are very fortunate to have so many amazing opportunities.... they are blessed.
Well, it's back to work I go..... I'll blog more later!!! I'm in a chatty mood. :P