It's Thursday.
One more work Day
to go....
We can do it..
Let's get through this!
And, so how was your night???? Mine was okay. One more late night. Except this time I managed to get to bed before Midnight. Can you imagine?!?!?! Now, I'm down to light black circles under my eyes. As opposed to dark black....
Anyway, things are going well. A little stressful at times, but oh well.
I'm taking on a new job. A second one. It should be interesting. We'll see how it goes.....
I am excited about meeting up with my girlfriend Jen. She is such a sweetheart. It's a lot of fun being in touch with her. We're going to meet up in Atlantic City soon. I can't wait to give her a big, fat hug. She's the one I met on the Cruise. She is also the one that I met up with online, in a group (on a website) that I am pretty active on. When we realized we'd met on vacation, we were so excited! Small world. Really. And then, it turns out that our boys became friends in the "tween Club"- very cool. AND THEN... (lol) she lives on Long Island. Where I grew up. She didn't grow up there, but she lives there now. Nice. AND THEN (lmao) ...seriously... she is booking her trip next year, on the same week we're going! Can you imagine? VERY ironic. VERY small world.
But, aside from all that, we've come to the conclusion that we seem to have quite a bit in common. Right now though, she's having a really tough time in her life. Her sister is very sick (and only 40). She in the 4th stage of cancer :( . Well, it's just awful. I'm trying to be supportive. Although I haven't gone through this with a family member, I have gone through it with 2 very special and close people in my life. Unfortunately, they lost the battle. Sad :( Life is not always a bowl of cherries....
Ok, so that's it. See, I'm really getting back on track with my blogging. I really try. And, I give 100 % of myself. My reward? Dunno yet....... But, I'll let you know as soon as I find out. Maybe just a whole heart full of peace, and satisfaction.
Have a pleasant day.
I'm here, if anyone wants to chat.
I owe some friends some emails. I haven't forgotten.
Damn... I'm such a good friend. I wonder how many people really sit there and think of me, the way I think of them. Sometimes I wish I didn't care so much. Wouldn't life be so much easier? Some, I have given up on completely - some, are fading. Makes me sad....
But, today - well, it's going to be good. Because I said so.