My Mom
My Granny
& me.
What a nice weekend. NICE TIME! Awesome people. Family. :)
The Wedding was beautiful. Sweet. We really enjoyed it a lot.
I had the best time hanging out with Joey and Rose. Rose and I are so much alike. We laughed and laughed. We danced, and we talked and talked and talked... It was just great!
Now, Friday was a different story. The ride up there was awful. It took us over 6 hours to get there. The ride should have been about 3 1/2 hours long. It was miserable. Usually long trips are no problem. This one was yucky. Hubby and I were both kinda grouchy..... and that didn't help. BUT, we did the best we could, and made the best of it. When we arrived at our Hotel, we were thrilled to pieces. It was nice to finally arrive.
I have some pictures to share. Nothing major. But, a few. :)
Glad to be home. Happy to have the kids back. :) We picked them up on our way home from NY. It's nice to have everyone back together.....