This is Erin,Brooke & Brandon.
This is Erin, Brooke & Brandon just waking up.
Heck, Erin doesn't even have clothes on yet. lol!
This is how I feel this morning.
SO WORN OUT!!!!!!!
Now you've seen me straight out of bed. Feel closer to me now? lol
I am serious. This week has kicked my butt. I have had the most difficult time getting back on track.
I am SO much looking forward to the weekend. I need to feel refreshed. :)
Oh, but til then - Happy Thursday! What a beautiful day it is. I understand that it's going to be a hot one. Keep cool! Drink lots of fluids...... think happy thoughts... and have a super day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PHOTO: This is me and my precious kiddos JUST waking up. No bad time for a photo opportunity! I figured this. We all have sleepy bed head faces in the morning. You might as well see me this way, heck... 1/2 the time I'm blogging (from home) I am sitting there 1/2 asleep/awake.... with a towel wrapped around me. :) lol