Well, there's a lot going on lately.
It's been crazy.
Time is flying!
The kids are all finished with their summer vacations, and we're getting ready to send them BOTH to Middle School. Wow. Unreal. Seems like yesterday they were just starting Kindergarten.
Even the weather feels like it's winding down, and getting cooler. And, it's getting darker, earlier.... where did the summer go?
I'm pretty excited about some things coming up, in the future. Fred meets with Nate tonight to go over some of their business stuff. My wish is that it will be a huge success, and Fred can eventually leave the current position he's in. It's killing him. Mentally, emotionally. I can't stand it. I'm praying that someday he'll be 100% into the business, and happy, content, and feeling totally fulfilled.
Me, well... I'm ok. I am wating for paperwork to arrive in the mail for a program that I'm going to be training for. I'm going (and hubby is too, if time allows) to be training for 5 weeks to work as a Hospice volunteer. I'm looking forward to it. I'm hoping that I can be of some help... and be a friend, to someone who might not have one. What ever it takes. I want to help. So, it's something I look forward to. I'll be starting that on September 24th. I'll share more, as I learn about the whole process. :)
What else? Well... I dunno. Things have been up and down. Sometimes I feel like a little hamster, spinning my wheels.... and sometimes, I am content, and peaceful. Today, I'm somewhere inbetween.
Wow. It's truly a beautiful day. I'm going to focus on that. :) I have my window, right beside my desk..... I need to appreciate the beauty of this day......