Last night I was browsing on the Internet and found this picture of ME!!!! lol
This was from a fundraiser Hubby and I attended for a friend who was almost burnt to death. She had a seizure while cooking and passed out over the stove. It was horrible. She burnt over 80% of her body. This fund raiser was to help her with the bills, and everything else. It was back in 2004. That was me! It was so funny finding this on the Internet. Just goes to show, you never know what you might find. I have one other... I'll post it once I crop hubby out. He doesn't like the pic of him.
Anyway, that wild woman next to me is Cat. She was actually just featured on the front page of the ABC news site. Let's just say... she lives a very "wild" lifestyle.... She's a wild girl.... (To say the least). lol
Fun. I wonder what other pics might be out! (j/k)