Here are some "Updates" on things I have blogged about over the past few months...
I spoke about my friend Julie meeting a guy online. She didn't think she wanted to meet him. I told her that the ones that seem to be the furthest from her type, just might be the man of her dreams..... Well, he moved in with her last weekend. WOW - that is HUGE! I hope it works out well for them. All we really want in life is love and happiness, right? I wish the best for them. I think we might even be getting together on Friday!!
ROXY - Our Kitten! Well, a couple of months ago we added Roxanne to our family. I am happy to say that she is still with us - and is just absolutely gorgeous! She is almost 6 months old! What a pretty and sweet little kitty she is!!! We are just loving her!!!!!!!!!!
My Weight loss and Exercise stuff- OH MY! What happened there???? Erin, you must get on the ball, sister! (lol)... Seriously... ever since my cruise - I have forgotten what the heck I'm supposed to be doing. I have been getting to the gym a VERY little bit, and I DO eat my fruits and veggies... but it's all the other "goodies" in between I have to eliminate!! So, hoping for more exercise and outdoor stuff, now that the weather has cooled off... and I MUST get back on a better eating track. :) No weigh ins on Friday... and that is not good. I MUST GET BACK ON TRACK!
Friends - I have a select few! For those of you who I have lost touch with... YOU STINK! I love people! I love friends, and I love being in touch. If we're NOT in touch, it's not from my lack of trying, or having put in the effort. If you are gone from my life, it's a choice you made on your own, and you will just have to live with it, and miss the heck outta me! :P lol... Really... there's a few people that come to mind when I think of my out of site friends. I hope all is well with you, and things are going your way!
My Job - I love it. I can't complain. Well, I could.... but I'd be a silly fool to do so! I would just look ridiculous if I bitched about something so good in my life. I am SO blessed and lucky to have this job. I even enjoy the group of ladies that I work with. THEY Are all SOOOOO different. And, bottom line.... it's a place that I can easily be entertained. I am completely different than them, with the exception of Eveline - who thinks a lot like me. Or, I think a lot like her.... we get along really well. BUT, other than that - the others are WAY different than me. AND, we all get a laugh off each other ( I think). I know I do, from them!
The Weather - Well. Summer is over. It was a decent summer. I am glad that Fall is here, although I feel guilty for feeling this way. Why? Because Hubby is a southern guy, and hates the cold weather. So, I feel badly about how much I enjoy it....... but, I do.
MY new ZOOM ZOOM - I LOVE THIS CROSSOVER.. or whatever it's called. I LOVE IT. I have always enjoyed a good drive.... but this one takes the cake! It's the best driving vehicle I have ever had. It's amazing! I love a Mazda! I just may never get a different kind of car again!!! (lol... we'll see)
Ut-Oh.... shouldn't I be working???? lol.....
More updates to come! I better get my booty to work!