On my blogging..........
The weekend.
It was really nice.
Being sick stinks (and I wasn't well all weekend) but I managed to enjoy myself & the time away.
The weather was nice. A bit hot - but the wind from the ocean was awesome. It cools things off quite a bit.
And coming home, it's always nice. The kids are always ready when we pick them up from their Dad's. They don't mind going (most of the time), but they really look forward to coming home. It's really sweet. Last night we all just hung out and took it easy. Hubby and Brandon spent 3 hours attempting to make sushi. It was so cute. The sushi rice came out great, although it was a little sticky (lol). I love rice that way... but it made for difficult sushi rolling. Did you know there's a whole different kind of rice that is used for sushi?!?! It's very cool! Hubby and I had gone to our favorite Chinese Grocery store at the shore. We went wild there, shopping. We bought the sesame candy that the kids love. We like it, too. And we got all sorts of sushi making stuff. It was fun. I love that store. It's so interesting. I don't know what 90% of the stuff is, in there. BUT, I love looking at it, and trying to figure things out. :)
It's pretty quiet here this morning. I guess the students are still sleeping. I've worked with a few... they are a pleasure to deal with. The freshmen this year are so adorable. You always know a freshman when you see one. And most of the time, they are lost - and need some help. :) So, I do the very best I can to help them.
Many of the people that work here forget..... they need help. So many people don't take the time to point them in the right direction, listen to them... I do. Heck, I listen to everyone (lol)
Anyway, I am feeling better this morning. Not 100%, but better.
Hope to have a great week. Hope you do, too.