Good Morning, and Happy Hump Day!
Back to work... or, like my Grandmother used to say before she went to work in the morning, "Time to make the Donuts" ... Cute. She is just so cute! And no, she didn't work at Dunkin Donuts. :P
So, here I am. It's so foggy outside, you can't see more than a few feet in front of you. It made for a long ride to work. But, along the way, I went from depressed, to bouncy. It's amazing to me how music can make such an impact on me. I'm serious. When I feel bad, I tend to listen to mellow, love songs. But, this morning I wasn't paying attention - and I had a 90's station on. So, all of a sudden, a song that I loved came on. It was such a fun song - that in my opinion, makes you dance in your seat! I just couldn't help myself. :) So, let me share it with you (thank goodness for youtube). Tell me if it makes you dance and move in your seat too!!!!! And, suddenly, I wasn't feeling so down. Posting will continue after the video! brb. :)
Well??? You feeling good now? (I know, I'm silly). The guy is strange looking, but the song is sweet, and positive. Plus, the movie was awesome (Benny and Joon).
Going to start a new post to share my day off (yesterday)
Be back in a few minutes.