Good Morning ~
What an incredible day it is!
A perfect day to sit on a porch, overlooking the beach... sipping on a nice, hot cup of coffee. Doesn't that sound good?? With comfy's on, and a cozy blanket wrapped around me! Ah... got to get to the beach again before it's much to cold. I want to walk on the beach, and dig my toes in the sand - one more time, this fall. :) I look forward to it..... ((hint hint... BABY, can we go??))
Everything is okay. I'm having some health issues. I need to get something taken care of, but have been putting it off for way too long. If I don't do it soon, there could be major problems. I'm just scared to deal with it. I don't want to be in pain, and I am scared of surgery or whatever it is I'd have to go through, and recovery. I am afraid of being out of commission, and unable to live my life normally. So, all of these things are in my head. It's a lot to think about. *sigh
Here's the thing. I would tell my best friend to go, right away. Deal with it - everything will be okay. I should take my own advise. It's just not always that easy.
OK, on a lighter note. Things are going well. The kids are doing great in school, and Brooke took no time at all to adjust to Middle School. They really impress me this year. I can't believe how fast they are growing up. Both of them. Brandon looks taller than me, which is not a surprise - since I am only 5'3" tall. lol .. And Brooke is this positively beautiful girl. It's amazing..... those two kids used to be my tiny little munchkins. My little creations. And now, they are blossoming into these pre-teen sweeties. Heck, Brandon will be a teenager next month!!!!!!!!!
That's about it for now. :)
Have a beautiful day!