Happy Friday!!!
The weekend is HERE!! (almost)
First thing I want to say - POOR Phillies!!!! Geeezzzzz... they're doing horrible! What a shame for them. HOPEFULLY they will go to Colorado and win a couple games there. We have some bummed out Philly fans pouting around, this morning. :(
And, what a morning it is. Cloudy, rainy... and very funny in the office.
I am cracking up at some of the topics of conversation going on in here. Let's see...... I'm actually get an education from these ladies!!!! lolol
What I've learned in less than 24 hours.
There is something called a "penis fish" - and it's located in the Amazon. It is just awful, what it does!!!! Google it. You'll be sure to never pee in the Amazon, swim naked there... or hell... even go near it! lol
Hmmm, Men can break their Penis. OUCH!!!! Something "pops" OMG! How terrible!
OK... according to statistics, the "average" married couple makes love only one time per week. OH MY! (lol) But, it's Most healthy to make love at least 3 times per week. I'M ALL FOR THAT! AND, proud to say that I exceed the "average" (most of the time) lolololol........
LMAO! What a morning I'm having!!!!
Gotta run.
Be back!!!