Yeah. It's Monday!
I woke up this morning, and it looked like it was still the middle of the night!!! Wow, the seasons are changing quick! I wish I could stop the clock, and just savor each beautiful day, a bit longer. Because the simple fact is, time marches along. It really waits for nobody...... Seasons change... people come and go in our lives.... things & times, change......
So, what a pretty weekend. Friday night was "ok". We got together with some friends, watched the Philly's game, some played cards, and some of us (like me) socialized. :) It was very laid back, and peaceful. It was nice for the kids, too. They each had their favorite pal over for the night. It's all good for them :).
Saturday. Well, it was officially "pajama day" until about 3:00 p.m. TIME TO RELAX! It was awesome!! We just laid around visiting. Nice!!! And then, off we went. Showered and got ready for the evening. Brandon went with some Friends to the movies, and Brooke, Fred, and I hung out.....
Yesterday. Brooke and I went shopping. Old Navy was calling out to us! And then she and I went grocery shopping. It was fun fun fun. Hubby was busy working, and Brandon was taking it easy at home. Then, in the evening - my parents came over for dinner. It was nice. I cooked a beautiful dinner, and served everyone a yummy, hot, Italian dinner. It was great!!!
I also got in touch with some old friends over the weekend. I was feeling like re-connecting. Nice. I enjoy having friends from different places, and times. SO, I had fun with that. :)
Now, it's Monday!! And I'm sitting here in my cubicle. lol
I do look forward to this weekend. My brother and his family are coming to visit for a couple of weeks. Being that they live in Switzerland, I don't see them as often as I'd like. SO, this should be a nice time.
And that's it for now. :)