Yesterday was weird. It was very different.
You see..... When pulling out of my Complex, you can make a right, or a left. IF you make a right - the river, country, rolling hills, farms, and beautiful roads lie ahead. If you make a left, the city life is waiting. Well, I was the passenger. And, we made a left.
So, on we went. The weather was gorgeous. The sun was shining, and we were on our way towards Philadelphia. Not the usual direction we take.
Well, once we got onto I-95, we ran into a huge traffic jam! lol, what a mess! At first, we thought the Eagles were having a "home" game. They weren't. It was road construction. So, what's a girl to do? lol. Take silly pictures! I find it very entertaining. Hubby may not agree. He was a little stressed out. And he hates traffic. I'm not thrilled about it, but - I try to make the best of it. So, let me share with you, some of the pictures I took. LOLOL@Myself. YES, I CAN laugh at myself. And, oddly enough..... I can entertain myself pretty easily.
Shhhhh........ Driving in traffic can be very very stressful.... (lol)
Oh Erin.... Behave yourself..... :)
Whatchu looking at??!?!?! :P