Hi :)
It's Friday!!!!!!!
And, it's cold as can be!!!!!!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr........ But, how can I complain?? Well, I'm NOT! I LOVE the colder weather. As long as it's sunny, I'm happy. I only get caught up in that S.A.D. stuff when it's grey, dark...and no sign of sunny days.
So, NO way could you have caught me out there shopping today! No thank you, no way! I did that early Black Friday shopping once, and that was it. I like a bargain as much as the next person... but how crazy are these people?? UP all night, waiting outside a store, in hopes of grabbing up a deal (or two)... shoving, pushing, fighting, cursing, cutting in line... no thank YOU! (lol). I tried it, two years ago. It was terrible. The monster came out in all of these people. "me me me" is all you could see. NOT my cup of tea. Never, ever again. Nope.....not me.
SO, I didn't sleep late ( I can't ), but I took my time, and relaxed a lot! I also decided that I wanted my girlfriend to come over tomorrow night. SO, I contacted her, and invited her over for dinner. That should be nice. I look forward to it. :) Julie and I don't see each other often, and we've been very good friends for 21 years. We've grown apart, and come back together. It's awesome. We still don't spend a lot of time together, but she knows that at any time, she could call me - and I'd be there for her. It's just the way it is, for me. And, she knows it. :)
What else? Well, I have not been feeling well at all. I have not felt this tired (Or dizzy) in years and years.... and it makes me a little uncomfortable. It's one of those things where you wonder if you'll ever feel "normal" again. I have actually been falling asleep on the couch and stuff. It's just not like me. I usually have a lot more energy. I hope it goes away soon. I want to feel the energy.... again.
That's about it, for now. Thanksgiving was nice. Peaceful. And today, peaceful. Nice. :)
Tonight - movie night!
Tomorrow - Julie comes over!
And, the kids have friends over for the night. Wow, it's been quiet around here!
Happy Friday!