Good Morning! No, it's not Friday..... It's THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
I kept thinking last night that today was Friday. Nope...
And when I woke up this morning.. Friday??? NOOOOOOO!
It's Thursday!!!!!
Last night.
I did it.
I splurged, for me.
I went to the store and bought my Irish Cream, and Coffee. Decaf.
I didn't want to drink regular coffee... because I was afraid I would be up all night. lol
Ok, I have to admit.. I liked it.
The thought of any type of alcohol mixed with coffee DID NOT appeal to me.
However, my dear friend Eveline told me there's nothing like it...
SO, I tried it. Loved it. I was so relaxed last night. :) It was good.
Today it's raining. A lot.....
And, it supposed to get very cold -
But, it's all good. Because I finally found the perfect coat!
I have been in search for a full length Coat to replace the favorite one I used to have...
And, I found one! Seems silly maybe, that I get excited about something like that. But, it's no easy task when you have to search for a long coat, and you're a shorty like me.
Done!!!! Happy!!!
Today is going to be a good day.....
Rain or shine.
I feel warm and cozy!