What a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't like to wish any of my life away, but I have been looking forward to this day, all week! And, when 5:00 rolls along, I am out the door like a bolt of lightening! :)
Crazy, busy, hectic week!
:) :) :)
Happy Friday!!
Taking a deep breath... it's finally quiet in the office (for the moment)
This weekend.
I have a Bat Mitzvah to attend tomorrow. It should be nice. A lot of really nice people will be there that I haven't seen since June. For some reason, I am very popular with this crowd. lol. No comment on that one. However, I do have to deal with a freak that chases me all over the place. lol.... I should have lots of pictures to post on Monday. We'll see how it goes.
Other than that... tonight should be rather quiet. The kids are away this weekend, so there won't the regular 4 kids that are usually living in our home during the wekend. I'm hoping that maybe I can get some Christmas shopping done on Sunday. Believe it or not, I have much of it done already. Not like me, at all. I usually wait until the rush is on, and then I stress myself over everything. Not this year... I have to be able to find peace... because this has not been the most peaceful year. busy busy busy...
Better run. I'm running my mouth too much - and it's still early!
Best wishes to you, on this sunny day.