Breath in...
Breath out...
Today is going to be a good day...
This job is good...
This job is great.....
I love my job...
I love my job...
(What's Erin's problem?)
I left here yesterday with my head down... and I think I was mumbling some words under my breath that I don't feel comfortable saying out loud. lol
Right at 5:00 p.m - I had the most Irate student come in to my office and raise hell at me for no good reason. She was screaming and crying, telling me she hates me, hates Rider University, etc... I stood there for a moment, just watching her carry on. I then proceeded to tell her that I was here to help her, take care of her... etc... and she calmed down (a tiny bit). What a mess. First of all.. the girl needs help (on an emotional level). Something that I am not qualified to help her with. Second, why me? LMAO! I can take abuse... but heck... that was so uncalled for!
Ok. Got that off my back. Now, I can begin the day with a smile.
:) :) :) :) :)
Oh, before I forget.....
HAPPY HUMP DAY!!!!!! We have made it to the middle of the work week.
Let's celebrate!
Oh.. and one more rant... (lol) If my Co-Worker coughs in my face again without covering her mouth, I might just scream like the student that was in here yesterday!
lolol... not really. But, how can a woman stand there coughing in someone's face like that and not cover her mouth? I'm not being unreasonable to expect that, am I?
:P :P :P :P :P :P