And the countdown begins!!! TWO days until the first day of SPRING! Wooohooo!! How exciting!!
I am so much looking forward to the nicer weather. I've been wanting to get out there and wash my car, inside and out.... but it's been so cold, or rainy! Yuck! And when the weather is warm, I'm hitting the road for some fun times!
It's cold and rainy this morning here in PA/NJ. I'm at work, and I have my little heater on next to me. Brrrrrrrrrr........ can't wait for warm, flip flop weather!!!!!
So, what's new? Not a whole lot. I'm doing just peachy. Feeling fine. I'm back on track. It feels good. I'm still going to make sincere efforts to change some of the things about myself that drive people crazy (as well as myself).. but other than that... everything is just fine and dandy! We all have room for improvement. That's just a fact. If we don't grow and change, I think it's just not healthy!
Anywho... :)
I'm really looking forward to my Belly Dancing class on Thursday night. I just am. I think once I get the hang of it, I will combine it with yoga class. I think that's a good idea! :) :) And, I can't wait til Friday. I will have the day off from work, and plan to enjoy it to the fullest. I think I'll get my nails done in the morning, and then do some shopping at the Mall. I'm in search of the perfect dress for our April cruise. We'll see how it goes! I would love to share the day with my hubby love, but he can't always take off the same days as me. *Sigh... It should be nice though.
What else? Well, it's Spring Break here at Rider University. It's nice and quiet. I have a lot of little stuff to be doing, but I can do it at my own pace, and not worry about a lot of students coming in and distracting me. :) It's a nice break for us here......
Hm.. not a whole lot else going on. My mid morning coffee is waiting for me. I better run! More blogging later!
Happy Tuesday!