Happy Tuesday to you and you and you , too!
It's almost Spring!!!! I didn't even wear a Jacket to work today. It's very exciting! And, this weekend we will change the clocks, and earn one more hour of sunlight. Wow!!! It's really almost Spring!!!!
How's everything? Well, it's pretty good. I had a peaceful evening last night, for the most part. Despite the pain (in my hip), the evening was nice. I don't want to complain or anything... but on Saturday I was doing "something" in a very awkward position, that lead to some major, intense hip pain! lol. It's funny, but it's not. I can hardly make it up and down stairs, AND - when I'm in bed, I can't turn on to my right side. It's horrible. I have no idea what to do, besides take Aspirin. I can't believe the pain I'm in! But, I don't want to complain!
So, this weekend.... Can't wait!!!!! I'm finally going to the Melting Pot. I am really looking forward to it. I've wanted to go there for a couple of years. However, it hasn't worked out. But, we now have reservations for Dinner there on Saturday. We're going to the Brand New one, in Atlantic City. We are so excited! And, we'll be gone for the weekend. Staying Bay side! Sunday, we'll pick the kids up, and go to my parents house for Dinner, and to Celebrate my Birthday. It should be nice. :)
But, I should focus on Today. SO far, so good. My brother called me from Switzerland just to see how I was doing. That was nice. After he called, my Dad called ... Just to see how I was doing. Nice! It's been a pretty nice day so far. Hubby has called me too!!! Guess why? Just to see how I was doing... and to tell me he loves me! I'm very very blessed! Mom called too! lol... but I was away from my desk. I'm currently playing phone tag with her. :)
Anyway, I hope this is a happy day for you!
Happy Tuesday!