Today is Tuesday.
How do YOU feel?
I feel loved. And, happy.
I feel blessed, and excited about life.
I'm enjoying this beautiful day. I walked to the bank this morning. Although it was freeeeeezing cold, it was beautiful! What a great day. I'm thinking "Spring". I can't wait!
Things are going well. The kids are back to school, and we're back to work. Everyone seems to be back on track.
Life is good. I was thinking about it this morning on my way to work. It's nice. I feel so content and satisfied with everything. I'm enjoying being me.... it's fun. I had this great time on Easter Sunday. Hubby and I took a ride up the River. We ended up stopping at this Antique Market. It was a place we used to go to almost every weekend. It was so nice. Like visiting the past. A different time in our lives. I felt warm and cozy. I miss those days. Yet, I love the moment in time we are currently in. Hard to explain. This place we stopped at, well.. it holds a lot of precious memories for us both. I'm so glad we stopped. I appreciate my life. I do......
Today I want to mention that I have been blogging for a whole year! It's been so much fun! My blog is a year old, and still going strong!!!! Happy Birthday Blog!
What else? Well, not much. I'm trying to prepare (mentally) for my upcoming Cruise! I went on a shopping spree last Friday, so I am very well prepared with clothing. I bought a very sexy dress to wear for one of our nights out on the ship. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!! It should be an incredible time. I just can't wait!!!!!
So... That's about it! I have lot's going on, but have been coming up a little short on the blogging! I admit, I must pick up the pace!!!!
Hope this day finds you with a huge smile on your lovely face!!!!
Happy Day!