I have seriously been absent from blogging. Today I am going to give it my all to get some blogging done....
I first want to say... I went on my weekend cruise last weekend. It was very nice. I took over 100 pictures. Yep. I did. I just have to load and post them. And I will. The weekend was very nice. It went too fast. Here are some of the highlights to share:
Our cabin was fabulous. It was sweet and cozy. And the balcony (as always) was our favorite part. There's really nothing like sitting out on your own private balcony and taking in the sites. If all that means, is looking out at the ocean for miles and miles... with no land in site. It's really a feeling I cannot describe.
Something else that really stood out on this particular trip. Passing the Statue of Liberty, and Ellis Island. Well, we do it every time we cruise. And, we're usually on the pool deck, enjoying the big party they have each time the ship leaves port. This time we opted for a different spot on the ship. We found a quiet place on the 7th floor outside deck. It was peaceful, and very quiet. Very few people there at all. And we loved that. We stood and watched, as we approached Ellis Island. We talked about it a little. It's such an amazing place. It brings very powerful emotions to the surface... and I felt them. Strong... I also observed as others stood and watched, and shared stories about Ellis Island, and the statue... teaching the younger passengers about it. Nice. Very emotional. And I snapped several pictures, looking for the best shot. I think I did well.
We explored the ship as we always do. It was really fun. There's something to be said about being familiar with the boat you travel on. We knew where to go, and it allowed us to enjoy the whole experience. The "newbies" were a little lost, which was a shame, as there's only so much time to enjoy the trip. I would highly recommend that anyone who hasn't cruised before do some homework. The best way to make the most of a cruise is to get to know the ship before you sail. It makes all the difference in the world.
Hubby and I did our bonding. We really enjoyed each other's company. There's been so much going on, so this break was like an incredible gift. One that really feels (at this point) priceless...
We went to Dinner at one of the nicest Restaurants on the Ship. Well, it's actually one of our favorites! Salsa's. The Dining room is gorgeous, and the band plays some amazing music. The windows are all around, looking out at the beautiful ocean. One of god's most amazing creations (if you ask me). It was so romantic. And we ordered a great meal, and enjoyed great conversation. It's moments like those that would be so wonderful to capture, and bottle up for safe keeping.... If only we could.
We enjoyed the Casino. It was a lot of fun. We spent a bunch of time there, and ended up leaving the ship with our casino spending money! It was fun fun fun!!!!
The show we went to was a great one. The Comedian was hysterical. I loved his performance. Two thumbs up!!! And I love the theater they hold the show in. It's HUGE! And very comfy!
And the relaxing time was nice, too. Just laying around, talking and playing. You can't get that time back. But I took it all in. I store the smiles and happy feelings inside my mind, and my heart. When I need a nice place to go, I visit the quiet times, like the ones on the ship. It was a great weekend......
And then it was over. And everything changed. It was like stepping out of a fantasy, and landing in the middle of a tornado. It's been a really bad week. Really bad. It's drained me of any and all energy.. emotionally and physically. And all I want back, is peace, smiles, and happiness. And so today.. I am hoping for a better day. And I'm going to reach out for positive energy, and say and do only positive things. There's a chance it just might make a difference.
It's a beautiful sunny day. I've opened the window in my office, and the fresh air is blowing in, and brushing gently against my legs. The grass has just been cut, so the smell of spring is stronger than ever. The colors are amazing. I wish they would stay this way forever.
It's Thursday. One day away from the weekend. One more step towards new adventures... and new experiences. It's time to open the box.. and pick from our list. It's also time to add more to the list. We should always add more. If we don't, we become stagnant. Who wants that? Life is about living. And, I'm ready for it!
Happy Thursday.