Good Morning, and HAPPY MONDAY!!!!!!!
I have been absent from my blog! WOW - time flies! I have been very busy. And, I'm busy still.. but I'm making time to blog.
This weekend was ok. We did a lot of stuff around the house. The kids did their sleepovers, and Brandon spent all day Saturday at Six Flags. It was a nice weekend for the kiddies.
For us. It was a little tough. We were facing a lot of things that had been put on the back burner for the past couple of months. Fred's Dad is very very sick, and isn't expected to live much longer. It's sad. And, I can't even say I understand how hubby feels, because I don't. I have never been in the position he's in. All I can really do is be there with him, and give him Lot's of affection. It's not an easy time for him right now...
On a lighter note. We're scheduled to go on our Cruise to Nowhere this weekend. SO, we have a 4 day work week. We are both looking forward to getting up and going. It should be really nice. The NCL Dawn is our favorite! And it's nice to know our way around the ship. With limited time aboard, it makes for a better time. We know exactly what we want to do, and where we want to go!!!! SO, all we have to do now is wait a couple days, pack our bags, and hope for the best on Friday. You see, the traffic is questionable... the Pope is going to NYC on Friday!!! So, we might be in for a long ride. We'll see. As always, we're leaving plenty early - JUST IN CASE!!!!!
So, the weather is gorgeous! Spring is really here. I can't believe it!!! I'm so happy to see the sun again, and to feel the warmth in the air. I'm loving it!!!
Belly dancing is going well. In no time at all I'll be providing my hubby with some private belly dancing shows! (lol) It takes time to learn those sexy moves, and they aren't even very sexy until you get them down right. At first I was feeling really clumsy, and awkward. Now, I feel like I'm really going with the flow. :) It's fun, and amazing good exercise. I'm so happy to be taking this class!!!!!
Let me see...
My cousin Pam was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer
My Cousin Rob just had a large tumor removed (cancer)
Fred's Dad is dying..
Lot's of prayers to be said.
I am grateful for my health, and the health of my Immediate family.
I'm grateful that I have so many wonderful people in my life,
And so much goodness in my heart.
Today is Monday. And I could sit and complain about all the petty little things going on within my workplace... and how much Monday sucks.. etc... etc..
But I'm alive, and well. So, I'd prefer to look at the big picture - and not the little pesky crap.
Have a beautiful day!!!!