Doing the happy dance! It's SUNNY out!! I can't believe it! It's been nothing but rainy rainy rainy, for days!!!!!!! It's beautiful today!!!!!
So, it's Tuesday! Wow. I think the week is actually going by pretty fast.
Where have I been? Well.... We had last Friday.
I went the the Franklin Institute with my daughter, and her 6th grade classes. It was horrible! I would never tell her that (of course), but it was rushed, and just a crazy mess. Somehow I ended up with 2 of the worst behaved girls in the whole world! (I'm not sure, but It felt like it). They were so out of control. And there's me. You have to really know me to appreciate that one. I am really laid back, and of course my kids are a lot like me... so I was not sure how to handle them. But, I managed. I was glad that it was a quick trip. Because I was wiped out by the afternoon when I got home. LOL! I like girly girls that are sweet and polite. I had obnoxious girls that were pretty out of hand (except for my kiddo and one other girl). Let me say this... when I got home, I sat on the couch for a minute and fell asleep like a baby! lol! It took all of my energy away!
Then we had the rest of the weekend. It was good. I have to say, it was very productive. I got A LOT accomplished!
Oh, and Saturday night I went on a date with hubby. We went to play Bingo. It was HORRIBLE! Never ever again! See, Bingo was on our list of things we want to do. SO we did it. YUCK! Those people are hooked! They have all sorts of trolls lined up.. Beanie Babies, good luck charms. IT WAS CREEPY! And we couldn't keep up! LMAO! It was actually pretty funny. Now looking back, that is! We were so stressed out! I thought it was supposed to be fun???? LOL! It was awful! By the time I was about half way finding one number, they had called like 2 more! lolol!!! Ok... so Bingo is not for us. Now we know, and now we can cross it off our list! Whew!
Mother's Day. Well..... it was "ok" (lol). It didn't turn out exactly like we planned... but whatever! :)
We ended up going to a huge flea Market in Jersey. Well, so did 3/4 of the residents of the state of NJ! Woah! It was horrible! Crowded as hell! (is hell crowded?)
No fun! Nope... not what I had in mind. I thought we could go there and browse around, and breathe in the fresh air. NO! lol. Pushy, hard core Flea Market folk out there... with their dogs, and strollers.. look out! Bags bumping into you, everyone walking the opposite flow of us.... lol! It was certainly not how I pictured it would be!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mom and Dad came over on Sunday evening for Mother's Day/Mom's Birthday. It was a nice visit. Cake, presents, etc. Fun to spend peaceful time with them. And then yesterday, they left for Russia. Yep. They are going on a Russian River Cruise. Not exactly my cup of tea.... but they look forward to things like that!
And yesterday.. Monday! Need I say anything else? Monday's sorta stink... But, now it's TUESDAY!
Happy TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!