I Can't believe all that's been happening during the past few months. I am sometimes so overwhelmed with the changes, that I suppose it might show on the outside at times. I don't mean for it to. I want to think of the new job, friends, experiences, trips, weddings, cruising, family stuff..etc... are all things that I can embrace and smile about. And I do. But often times I find myself exhausted and somewhat confused. I'm going to assume that the confusion comes from the exhaustion. I guess the only way to really know the answer to that is to get some sleep once in awhile. If I'm still confused, I guess I have some issues to iron out. (lol).
My goal for the next few weeks: Relax. Even if just a little. And, more family time. AND, more one on one time with my hubby. Yeah.. that's my goal. It's funny... we used to find time for everything. There was always time to play a game, rent a movie, order out for pizza and wings...heck, sometimes we'd even take a nap! Lately it feels like there's such a rush to do even the little things, or there's not even a spare moment to stop and look around............Relax. Even for just a moment.......
We went to Paul and Lori's wedding this weekend in Maryland. I am normally pretty good about loading and posting my pictures right away, but as I mentioned a moment ago.. I have had a lack of time to do so. I'll catch up. I will. BUT, in any event. It was a nice ceremony. It was quick. When they were given the blessing as husband and wife, and went to give each other a kiss, Fred asked me if they had said their vows. They did, but it went so fast. At the blink of an eye, they were finished. I would guess that they really wanted to get that part done and over with. Sounds funny I know, but all the time they were at the Church, I'm betting Paul was praying that his ex wouldn't charge through the doors to try to ruin the whole wedding ceremony. I know her, and I wouldn't put it past her for a minute. She is a poor, lost soul. She honestly needs some professional help. I actually feel really bad for her. BUT, it does not give her the right to storm back into his life and try to take away the happiness he's finally discovered in Lori.
So, back to the wedding. It was nice. And the reception, it was nice too. Different than I expected. But very sweet. We mostly sat at our table the whole time visiting with some really good friends that we hadn't seen in awhile. It's great to catch up with them when we get together. We're all so different in so many ways, yet so much alike. One thing we always enjoy.. the laughter. We've been blessed with some really funny friends. And so, we all get together and make each other laugh. We tell silly stories, and enjoy the moment. It's all good. Jimm and Monica are pretty darn special. They are so completely different than Fred and I, but such amazing good company! There's never been a time that we've gotten together and didn't enjoy their company!
Sunday. Well, it was kind of a downer. You know, all days aren't going to be good days. We do what we can to make it great, but the truth is, we're only human, and sometimes we have days where our faces won't smile, and our happiness is lost in an another place for the moment. It's life. And, Sunday was a shitty day. And, shitty days sometimes wear us out more than good, fun days! But, what I'm learning about life is.... lord willing, the sun will shine again... and it does. And it is...
Last night (Monday) we met some friends at a cute little place in Washignton Crossing. I gotta say, Chrissy and Tom will always put a bright and happy smile on my face. They are really our very best friends. And last night was really nice and actually kind of peaceful. What I liked best was that I had the chance to visit with Chrissy one on one ( A little) spend time with Tom one on one.. and spend some one on one time with Fred. It was great. The times that we spend with them are always fun and full of laughter. We could spend hours and hours with them, and when it's time to go home, we can't believe where the time went. We feel so lucky that we have them in our lives. It's nice when you find a couple that has as much interest listening to our stories, as we do theirs. It's nice that we're all so upbeat and positive about being together. There's not a single stick in the mud in this group. And that is the key to a long lasting friendship.
Wow, I guess I had a lot to say this morning. I had a little time put aside for myself this morning (here at the office) so I decided to get some of my thoughts and feelings out there. Blogging has been such a good release for me. I always feel good when I finish throwing my thoughts and stuff on here. Even if nobody ever understands what the heck I'm saying.... I do. And, this is about me, and my life......
Okay.. time to go for now. If you've made it to the end of this one, you get a gold star. lol. I don't even think I'm going to proof read this one. I can't imagine going back over all this right now! (lol)
Happy Tuesday.
Friends.... for those of you I'm currently in touch with, I thank you for being a part of my life.
For those of you I haven't seen in awhile, I hope you're doing well, and feeling good.
For those of you I've never seen, hugged, shook hands with.... thank you for stopping by to read a little about me. It's always nice to know that you're out there.....