Happy Tuesday!
Here I am! I have all sorts of people pointing out that I haven't blogged in awhile, but at no time have any of those people stopped to leave a nice comment on my blog! Comments are free, folks! Encourage me to blog by leaving me a message once in awhile!!! :P
So, I've been working...
Been out of town...
And, I've been very busy doing regular life stuff.
What I really need to do what I always suggest everyone else to do..
Stop, and smell the roses. Or, for right now.. Stop, and smell the crisp fall air. Look around at the beautiful leaves on the trees. Everything looks so gorgeous.
Hurry and take a look, before you know it - the colors will be gone.
Today was the first day of 2008 that it really felt like Fall to me. I walked outside this morning and I could feel this cool air through my hair, and on my face. It felt amazing. I enjoy this kind of weather. If it stayed like this all the time, I'd be quite content. I don't mind feeling a little cool. :) It's all good....
Did you ever feel like your wheels were spinning but you weren't really getting anywhere? Well, lately I've been feeling a little bit like that. I had this 7 million dollar project thrown into my lap at work and I've been plugging away at it for the last 3 weeks. It was only today that I felt like I was finally getting somewhere.. It's been crazy. I've had co-workers asking me if I was tired, depressed, etc.. because I have been so engrossed in my work. I see the end. And now I am VERY excited! The best part about this job is that I always see positive results. I cannot say the same for my last job.
Tom & Chrissy came over for pizza with the kids. We had a really nice visit. When we saw them it honestly felt like it had been about a month. It was really only a week. :) lol
My brother and his family are coming to visit us this Saturday for 2 weeks. I haven't seen my neice's and nephew in a year. I can't wait to see them. I also really look forward to visiting with my sister in law. She and I have a great time together. We already have a shopping date set for King Of Prussia Mall. It's a lot of fun when we shop together. She get's so excited over everything. In Switzerland the shopping is nothing like it is here in the states. I love to see how happy it makes her. I can't wait!
And that's about it for me tonight. I am all cozy in my spot on the couch with my sweats on. I feel good. I'm pretty happy that tomorrow is Wednesday! I am really looking forward to Friday.
I'm looking forward to the whole weekend. It should be nice..