What a weekend..
The weather was incredible..
The sun was shining as though we were living in the midst of spring..
But the mood was a little blue...
But, here's an update on what's happening...
My brother and his family came in on Saturday from Switzerland. They're here to visit for two weeks.
Sadly, My brother woke up Sunday (his first morning here) with a bad rash, and a fever. Today he went to the Doctor. Seems he has Scarlet fever. So, he's resting and on medication, and working on getting better.
Tomorrow I am taking the day off from work to go on my annual shopping trip with my sister in law. We head up to the King of Prussia Mall and shop til we drop. It's so much fun to spend the time with her. We usually have a nice lunch out somewhere too. It's a great time! I look forward to it, and I know she does too.
Sorry, not doing the best time blogging right now. I have a lot of distractions. 2 extra kiddos here right now. :)
And this weekend. We (the whole family) are headed to Long Island. It should be a great weekend. I haven't seen a lot of mu family in a long time. And, I'm going to Stony Brook, the town I grew up in. I can't wait to walk on the beach. It brings back so many memories from when I was a little girl. I do look forward to it.
I can't think much about what else to write...
so for now, goodnight...