There was no question in my mind what day of the week it was this morning when I woke up! I couldn't wait to turn on the news to confirm that I wasn't just dreamin' that it's Friday! It sure is! Happy Happy Friday!
What a week! Whew! I KNOW for sure that I'm going to be incorportating Limoncello into my flex points this weekend. I'm allowed 35 floating points. I think there's a chance that they all may be coming from Limoncello! lol! Even though the week wasn't as stressful as I had expected, it was still different kind of stressful. I know, sometimes it's very hard to understand me. Imagine how I feel? lol!
What's on the agenda for the weekend. Hmmmmmmmmm well, first of all - my sweetie pie son is sick :(
I don't think it's anything serious. He's got a sore throat and cough. So, this morning I gave him some medicine and told him to go back to bed. I hope he's feeling better today. Maybe the rest in his comfy bed will help.
Brooke is off to a friends tonight. She's thinking about spending the night. I have mixed feelings. I don't know this family. And, although she's in 7th grade, and old enough to feel things out to see if she's comfortable in her environment, I worry about her. I decided that I would stop over at the friends house with some spending money for her. I have to at least feel things out. I don't want to shelter her as much as I sometimes do, but I worry so much......
Today is a light work day at the office. I am working on a HUGE project that's changing direction, so I'm at a dead end for now. I'm doing this mile long spread sheet, and now we've decided to put the whole thing into our program, Raiser's Edge. What I can't merge I'l have to manually do. SO, to make it easier, I'm not going to continue with the job until I know EXACTLY what "they" want (big bosses). UGH!!!!!! I have been working on this thing for over a month!
Any ideas for the weekend??? :)
Oh... I have been 100% faithful to my plan this week. I'm aiming for another perfect day with my points. So far, so good!!!!!!!
The exercise has been good too.