I have successfully completed 2 days on the program!
Not only did I stick to the plan (I'm doing flex - not core)
I exercised! Yep! Mary and I went on a very huge walk! I have to say, it was a very good break for me. I think we're on to something here. I think I'm going to walk every day for at least 30 minutes during my work day. I felt so much better when I got back to my desk.
I know. This weight loss stuff is sorta boring to those who don't need to worry (or just don't care) about having to lose weight... BUT, it's all part of my Journey. It's part of my life, and who I am. I have always struggled with my weight. It's just been that way for me.
If you find my blog boring because it's about things like pretty fall leaves, or trying to lose weight, or a boring story about finding kittens.... (lol) Feel free to go. But, here's the deal. This is my life. And, I have real life, regular stuff going on - Just like you. I happen to want to document it. I enjoy sharing. Good, bad, happy, sad.... It's my life.
P.S - I Rocked my Vote today!