It's Hump Day! I know.. I have been a total slacker on my sexy and fun hump day pictures! Well, please understand this.. I work in an office now where it would be a total mess if my blog ever came to the surface with pictures on there like that! Believe me, I can't take the chance right now, or I'd be posting Hump Day pics like a wild woman!
So, here I am - Day 3. It's fine. Somtimes It's easy, sometimes it's hard. Just like anything in life that takes effort. Yesterday I was hungry. I learned really fast that Egg salad was not a good choice for the amount that would be on my sandwich. I was so hungry. Now, once I ate it... I felt Ok. BUT, I know for next time that tuna would sure go a lot further. And so, I know this for the future. :)
I felt less bloated when I woke up this morning. I hopped right out of bed! I feel SO much better when I'm eating right. If I could just always remember how it feels to have this much energy! I'd be in perfect shape!
What else?? Not a whole lot. My boss has been sick for 2 weeks now. SO, I have had about 50-75% less on my desk. I'm hoping she gets better soon. I really worry about her health. I have to say, she is the best boss I have ever had in all of my working years. She supports me and my ideas, and she really mentors me. I am so blessed to have her as my supervisor. :)
Speaking of work.. I think I'll get back to it.
1/2 way through the day.
So far, so good.....