Hubby and I have just made it through 3 consecutive weekends of him being on call, and pretty much being "grounded" in a sense. It's been a little crazy! We're not used to being tied down for that amount of time....
We've done some fun things together, and have enjoyed each other's company soooooo much. :) But, we're happy to be able to hit the road next weekend!!
Work is going well.
Life is good.
Fred and I are approaching our 10 year anniversary. :) We're leaving town on Friday and beginning our celebration. It's a little early (it's on the 12th) but we're taking full advantage of the weekend since he won't be on call! :)
Looking forward to Spring. This winter feels especially long. I'm ready to get on with warmer, longer, sunnier days. I've had enough of the bitter cold. :P
We're watching the Superbowl. It's half time. Springsteen is performing. He's doing great. He promised to fit in as much as possible in 12 minutes. He's doing well. ;) I never much cared for his music. It just wasn't my thing. Now I think it's ok. I like the guy, I think he's a decent person.
We watched a movie this weekend. "Burn After Reading". I didn't like it. As a matter a fact, it was over and I had no idea it was ending. It was supposed to be a funny movie but people were getting shot in the head and stuff. I thought it was a joke, and the people really weren't getting killed....but then I soon realized that they were.. and it wasn't funny, it was gory and creepy. The best part of the whole movie was the company I was keeping. :)
I have reconnected with a bunch of people on facebook. It's been a lot of fun getting to know some old friends lately. I am even taking a trip soon to see one of them. I am so excited! I can't wait.
Speaking of old friends... Fred and I are going to see some of our old friends in a couple of weeks. We haven't seen them in months. Some of the best people we have ever met. They're like the type of people that we lose touch with for a little while but when we get back in touch, it's like we never missed that time together. We are looking forward to good laughs with them, and a nice breakfast out. We always have breakfast with them when we get together. :) It should be nice.
I'm rambling... but it's okay. I'm just trying to play a little catch up!
I am a slave to my Wii Fit. I LOVE it. I am going to try my very best to get on it every single day. It's addicting once you start using it. :) My little "Mii" is so cute. She's a little outta shape. LOL. I guess I better get on the ball!
Tonight I played with Fred and Brandon. It was so fun and funny. I love the Ski Jump. We laugh and laugh. And we're competitive. THAT makes it even better. We each try to get 1st place in all of the games... it's awesome. Brooke missed playing with us because she was at a Cheerleading competition. Next time she can play with us!
So much going on at work. I so love my job. Anyone who knows me knows how I felt in my previous department. Now, I'm happy with the people I work with, and I make more money! Not bad. :) I do love my job.
The picture above is from the weekend. It's me and my best friend. The love of my life. :)
Well, I won't blog any more tonight... I am not much in the mood to do so, and I'd bet you can feel it in my writing.