What a rainy day!!! Winds, rain, cold air! But I don't mind a bit. I am just so grateful that it's not snow! I think we all have had much more than our share of snow this winter season. We beat all the records. Good Riddance snow... good riddance.
So this morning is perfect for sitting in bed and watching movies! :) AND, we move our clocks tonight. Tomorrow begins 1 more hour of sunshine! I can't wait!!!!
Reflecting back on my week. It was busy. But here's some of the things that made it unique.
Monday was my Birthday. Mom, Dad, Fred, Brandon, Brooke and I had a really nice dinner together. It was a nice evening.
Tuesday. A sunny, beautiful day! Ilyndove and I searched for a restaurant with outdoor seating at lunch time. The only two we found would not allow us to sit outside. Told us it wasn't open yet. SO, we went back to campus, opened the back of my car, and tailgated in the sun for awhile. Lot's of girl talk, then back to work. I love that girl. She is one of my very best friends :)
Wednesday. I went out to lunch with Mary and Steve. It was a great lunch, and we had some good laughs. It was a lot of fun :)
Thursday. I went to lunch with Rudy. He's a nice guy, and I think with a some really good training, he will be a great success in his new position. It was nice getting to know him a little more. He's very young, and has a lot to learn, but he's positive, and enthusiastic, and that goes a long way in our division.
Friday. Great visit with Mary and Meg. I adore these girls. Did I mention how much I love my job, and love the women I work with??? I am so blessed to have these women in my life. I have really grown close to some amazing people over the past two years.
Friday night. After work I met the guys at Freddies for Happy Hour. It was brisk and rainy outside, but once I got there, it was fine. And, the entertainment consisted of two acoustic guitarist singing. They were really good. I enjoyed listening to them a lot. :)
And that about sums up my week. It was rather eventful.
I blog not to live my life out loud for those who come across this page, but rather to be accountable for my life, and to come back to visit what quickly becomes part of my past, and who I am. I'm not here to entertain, however, if I do, I feel flattered that you have visited, and cared enough to read about me, and my life.
And today, Saturday... Let the memories begin. :)