This is a picture of me and one of my favorite sexy dominatrix girls :) LOVE her.

Have you ever heard of a "Hash Run"? Well, over the summer I went on my first one, and absolutely LOVED it. It was one of the most fun experiences I've ever had, with a group of amazingly fun people. And, we camped out in a tent which was huge for me. Not because I'm opposed to camping, but just because I haven't done it since I was like 6. :) I didn't sleep a wink, but I still enjoyed being in the environment, and trying it all out.
I admit, the weather was a bit hot (like a million degrees out), and I spent the entire day sweating my ass off.... BUT, that's partially because I didn't do this:
Some of the group decided to hitch a ride on the back of a truck through the car wash..

And.... Here's hubby ((after)) all cooled off (for the moment)

I guess they forgot about the soap, and the hot water wash that shoots out. Apparently they were still a lot cooler than us!
I guess I always could have taken the easy way out at times and taken a free ride like this guy did:
BUT he took a few hard falls out of that shopping cart, and I'm not sure I would have handled it as well as he did :)
And then there was Hollie. I think she got a little overheated. Here she is lying on the street. Thank goodness this town isn't as crowded as the town I live in.

Can you believe he hashed through town like this??? ((most often, a hash run happens in trails of woods)) NOT this one. LOL

John was one of the Hash Hares...
And this is how he was dressed for it:

Each Hash Run has a theme. This was Dominatrix / Submissive - OR Redneck.
FUN STUFF!!!!!!!
I have a ton of pictures from this, but clearly can't post them all. Especially the "Baked Bean wrestling" LOL!
What fun!
July 2010.