I was preparing for my trip to Saint Mary's Hospital in Langhorne, PA to give birth to my first child. It was scheduled since he was almost 2 weeks over due and getting way to big for me to handle :)
I can't believe that was 16 years ago. My boy. I love him so much. Having him was scary, but it was also the first time I ever realized the meaning of true, unconditional love.
So tomorrow we'll all get together and celebrate Brandon's Birthday. :) I look forward to that!
This has been an interesting weekend.
I was happy to be warm and cozy in my house on black Friday. There's no way you'll ever see me out there shopping on that crazy day of the year. People are so pushy and mean. I can't stand it! I'd much rather pay a few extra bucks to avoid the crazy people. It really should be called "me me me" day. A day for people to get out there and show the world just how rude, pushy, ignorant, and all about themselves, they can be!
It was so nice seeing my Granny. She is so precious and beautiful to me. I can't believe that she's 89, and she still gets dressed up on Thanksgiving.... high heels and all. And not dated stuff. She's the most in fashion 89 year old woman I have ever seen. She's amazing. I can only hope and pray that I can be as fortunate as her when I get older....
So many random thoughts this morning. I am all over the place with my thoughts.
Maybe this is the best time to put the computer down and get moving.
Happy Sunday