Oh what a night....
My poor, sweet, little mini me... and her broken heart.
I felt so bad for her. Tonight I saw her suffer and cry and there was absolutely no words I could say to her to make her feel better. That Tyler... what was he thinking? How could things be so good and nice one moment, and then so bad the next. I don't get it, but I do know that he really hurt her feelings, and she trusted him. Huge lesson to be learned at her ripe age of 14. It's so difficult.... nothing is just easy. I learned a lesson too. I cannot possibly protect her from everything out there. Hurt and a broken heart is one of those things.... All we could do is hug her and tell her it will be okay. And, it will... she just doesn't see that right now. I hope she feels a little better tomorrow. I love my girl. I wish I could make it all better for her, all of the time.
And, the cats... I think we're going to have to find a new home for them and have a pet free home. It's getting more difficult each day trying to manage 4 cats. I am actually getting to the point where I'm feeling frustrated all the time about them. I never wanted 4 cats... it sort of just happened. I would have been plenty happy with just one.
That's a whole other story... It's really a hard place to be in right now.
I got my new XM radio. It's very nice. I have been using xm without a remote for over a year and haven't been able to use it as well. Safety first! Now I can change all of the channels without having to reach for the buttons! Yay! Sounds silly, but it's hard to drive and manage my music. I am excited to have it! Thank you Santa :)
I'll be listening to lots of music tomorrow on the ride to Maryland.
Weird day. Some ups, some downs.... I really had to hold back the tears with Brooke... I'm so sad for her.
New Year ahead. I am SO looking forward to it!