So, after the chaos in the house last night, I watched this movie with Fred. It was okay, and there were parts that actually made me laugh really good. Going in to this, I had no idea what the movie was going to be about or anything. And, the parts that I expected to be funny were not so much, yet I'd be surprised with a really good laugh when I least expected it. I love those moments in movies. Hell, I love those moments in life.
Speaking of life. I want some more laughing moments, and less stressful, sad, hurting, miserable moments. I am exhausted. I am hoping for a good weekend. Fingers crossed. Everything has been so crazy bad lately. I don't want that. I'd love some crazy good though. :)
Funny... lack of sleep will leave me stumped for words. Yep, me. Stumped! I so often can't shut the hell up, yet right now I feel like I'm scrambling for things to say. Sometimes it's best to say nothing at all.. especially after a sleepless night....
Maybe I'll find some hidden energy after lunch. I need a pick me up.