Monday, January 31, 2011

We all make our very own mark in this world.
Some people become rich and famous...
Some live in poverty...
And there's the one's that seem rather average, just doing their thing, and getting by, living each day as it comes, yet doing what we need to do.. to survive.
Each of us though, are so very special in our own, unique way. No two people have the same exact soul. But we're all on this journey together. And, we all have our very own path, and story to tell.
I wish mine could have been different at times. Had I done things a little differently, it would have been a benefit to me, this I know. But, I cannot change the past, and maybe that's sometimes a sad reality for me, but it is what it is... and the best that I can do moving forward is embrace it, and learn from it, so that I stumble less, and thrive more, in the days to come.
Chin up, Erin Elizabeth...
Better days ahead.
Always.. no matter what, do your best to look at the bright side.
Thank you for visiting my journey, my life.

I close my eyes
Only for a moment and the moment's gone
All my dreams
Pass before my eyes a curiosity
Dust in the wind
All they are is dust in the wind
Same old song
Just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do
Crumbles to the ground though we refuse to see
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
Now don't hang on
Nothing lasts forever but the Earth and Sky
It slips away
And all your money won't another minute buy
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
Dust in the wind
Everything is dust in the wind
Everything is dust in the wind
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oh how I hate conflict. I would rather be hung from a tree by hooks through my nipples than to have conflict.....
Communication is key, but sometimes that won't even solve it. I need to really work on some things within myself.
I have things to do, places to go, and stuff to sell.
No listings yet, but for anyone who may stumble upon my blog, who has interest in checking out my ebay, my user name is Fashion-Avenue. The page needs updating, and I have nothing on there yet but hopefully by the end of the day there will be some interesting listings to view!
We have sold things for years. Some of my favorite listings were:
Retired Ambulance
7K Antique furniture (7K profit). That's a fun story in itself...
Thousands of designer clothing pieces
Baby clothes
random and unusual collectibles
alcohol (a long time ago before the rules were more clear) lol
And SOOOOOO much more....
It's been quite an experience. To say the very least.
We used to have a house down in Yardley that was fairly large. I had a downstairs room full of rolling racks and ebay stuff all over the place. I ran a full time business there..
Sitting here now thinking back over the years, I can't believe all the different things and experiences I have been through in my life. No wonder I have Raccoon eyes and feel so worn out.
Yet, I want to continue to thrive in life, and welcome new and fun opportunities in the days to come. I'm not ready to give up yet. So much ahead, still.....
I never did get out to buy that Frangelico. I think I will buy a mini bottle of it if I can, and I'll try it out. This way, if I love it, I can buy all that I need and bring it to the Pocono's with me next weekend. I'll get Monica drunk like I did at Trump Marina. That was a really fun time!
Chin up, and look at the bright side. I think I'm just feeling down today because I'm not feeling well, and because of the conflict this morning...... There's still time to turn it around.
Freddy, Mara and the kids will come over for dinner tonight to celebrate Freddy's
25th Birthday. It seems like yesterday he was just 13. Time passes very quickly. It waits for nobody. Make today count. I am going to give it a try!
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Just got home from "Parx". Wow, it was so crowded!!! Like way too crowded!!! I am not feeling well. I was pretty spaced out and shaky while we were there. I'm happy to be home, but I'm feeling bad physically. I hope tomorrow is better.
I'm hot then I'm a little cold. I hope it's just that I have my period, and that I'm not coming down with something. I have way to much to do this week at work. Really just so much going on. I can't afford to get sick.
Tonight was weird. I wanted to enjoy myself, but I kept feeling a bit of anxiety. I'm weak. I should get in some comfy clothes and lay down with my snuggie.
Tomorrow is a work day. A work from home day. Ebay day. Next weekend we're going to the Pocono's for the weekend to hang out with Jimm and Monica at their timeshare, so I want to be sure we have some extra spending money for the weekend. We used to sell a bunch of things on ebay to make some quick money. It was usually pretty big money when we did. Those were the days. Ebay just isn't the same these days. The market is totally flooded, so it takes double the work and effort to earn half the money we used to!
I am wiped out and my eye is twitching a lot today...
I'm not finding dimes anymore. What happened?
I counted the reels again on the slot machines. I am suddenly okay with that. I thought I was weird, but I might just be normal. Maybe the rest of the world is weird. :)
I hate the snow. It's ugly. I wish I could blink my eyes and see green grass again....
I love my xm stereo here at the house. All my favorite songs play all day and night. I sing and feel happy when I hear music. Today I even danced around a little. I didn't care what I looked like :)
I ate McDonalds tonight. Bleah.... now I feel like I swallowed a brick. :) I do enjoy the sweet tea. Refreshing.
Red Hot Chili Peppers. They're playing.. Fred's not responding to it. He loves their music. I think he's really really exhausted.
I also don't think he's read my blog in about a week.
Roxie is pregnant again. I'm a terrible cat Mom. I need to get her fixed after this next litter is born. I'm going to have kittens again. Ok, they're stinking adorable, but I can't deal with it again after this!
I am rambling. That's okay, I'll never get this moment back, so... I'll just roll with it. Time is a valuable thing......
I'm going to sleep well tonight.

Nuts and Berries recipe
serve in Old-Fashioned Glass
Scale ingredients to servings
1/2 oz Frangelico® hazelnut liqueur
1/2 oz Chambord® raspberry liqueur
2 oz cream
Pour ingredients into a stainless steel shaker over ice, and shake until completely cold. Strain into a chilled, stemmed or rocks glass filled with ice.
My house smells awesome!

This picture of me reflects how I feel today...

Fred follows me EVERYWHERE! Even when I go to the shower... then he regrets it, and ends up hiding behind the toilet every single time! In this picture he was following me to the family room... I paused for a moment in the kitchen and he thought we were there, so he dropped to the floor... Lazy boy. :)

This picture of me reflects how I feel today...

Fred follows me EVERYWHERE! Even when I go to the shower... then he regrets it, and ends up hiding behind the toilet every single time! In this picture he was following me to the family room... I paused for a moment in the kitchen and he thought we were there, so he dropped to the floor... Lazy boy. :)

Saturday.. sweet sunny Saturday!

Well, I now know why I had a blasting headache yesterday and a heart overflowing with emotions! Mother nature came to visit me this morning. Just in time for the weekend! (lol) So, there won't be any party tonight... not that we can't go, but I'm certainly not feeling up to it, AND... Fred's feeling like he hasn't seen me in ages (which he hasn't) so he's not into going either. Time to look at plan "B"... I didn't have a plan B... so we'll have to wing it.
It really is a beautiful sunny day! I hope it stays nice today so I can enjoy the sunshine. I miss the spring. I look forward to seeing green grass, and beautiful flowers again.. Oh, and the smell of a fresh cut lawn! I am definitely ready for spring!!!!
I missed yesterday's blogging. UGH. But, the way I look at it, I post more than 1 picture a day for my 356 day project, so I'm still way ahead!
Brooke's off to her competition.
Good luck my beautiful girl!
I just couldn't do it this morning!
I need meds.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Back to it!! 356 day project!
Worst snow day of the year so far and no delays for work or school....but early dismissal.
Brandon did a grocery store run with me..... and of course, he was rewarded :)

He laughed and laughed at me.... he finds me so amusing. I wore my Chewbaka hat all through the store just for him... Every time I'd look at him, he'd burst out laughing..

So now we're home and we have enough junk food to get us through this storm.....
I hate this weather.
Brandon did a grocery store run with me..... and of course, he was rewarded :)

He laughed and laughed at me.... he finds me so amusing. I wore my Chewbaka hat all through the store just for him... Every time I'd look at him, he'd burst out laughing..

So now we're home and we have enough junk food to get us through this storm.....
I hate this weather.
Monday, January 24, 2011
356 day project fail.....

I failed to take a single photo today for my 356 day project. Just when I realized this, I decided I would quit the whole idea. Soon after that passing thought, I decided that I'm better than that. No, I'm not perfect, but I'm not a quitter either. I can mess up, dust myself off and start fresh the next day. SO, that's exactly what I'm going to do. I am NOT giving up on my goal..... keep your eyes out for many pictures to come. I'm just taking today off. :)
I rode into to work with Mom today so Fred could use my car to take care of Mr. Morrisey. He just found out that he has cancer and he needs treatment right away. Mrs. Morrisey is very sick, so she can't take care of him, and they have nobody to help them. I am so glad that Fred looks out for them. They love him so much. Both this Thanksgiving and last, he drove to their house and dropped off a nice, hot meal fot them. I know he loves them too. I sure hope they both make it through these tough times. I know Mr. Morrisey is only doing the treatments so he can get better, so he can take care of her. That is so sweet, so rare. God bless them both....
Work was so busy for me today. It was non stop. I was happy that even with all the work on me, I got up and left my desk for a nice lunch. Meg and I had some things to work out, and we did just that. I can't take any conflict in the office. It just weighs so heavy on me. I wanted to be sure we made peace, and that we were okay with everything. Now, on to the next step... moving. I have no idea when we'll do this, but I think it's a lot more complicated than Ed expected. I seem to have the least amount of requests and expectations. I feel really good about that. I'm at the point now where I just want it to happen soon so I can move on with it. I don't want a long dragged out process. Let's hope for the best!
So, here I am.. at the close of yet another Monday. I made it through. :)
Sunday, January 23, 2011
I am dreading going to work tomorrow.
Why did my boss have to bother me on my day off on Friday, and try to make me feel bad for no reason at all???
As if I didn't have enough on my plate at work.....
I'm stopping here... I feel my eye beginning to twitch again. I have so much on my mind, and so much stupid shit bothering me.
Why did my boss have to bother me on my day off on Friday, and try to make me feel bad for no reason at all???
As if I didn't have enough on my plate at work.....
I'm stopping here... I feel my eye beginning to twitch again. I have so much on my mind, and so much stupid shit bothering me.
Sunday Cheer Day

Long drive somewhere close to the New Jersey shore to watch Brooke and her team's competition. Very early! Those girls are amazing. And the tiny little one's on the newer teams are absolutely adorable!!!!! It was nice to go, I know it meant a lot to Brooke to see us there.
It is bitter cold out today. Seriously. I have a lot to accomplish today, but I feel like getting into a comfy's and forgetting about it all. I can't. I have responsibilities!
Soon going to Best Buy to purchase a DVD burning program. I am excited about that! Oh, and today I went to Blockbuster since it's going out of business, but they had nothing I was looking for. Oh well, thank goodness for Netflix!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Movie of the night

Missed 3/4 of the movie last night due to total exhaustion.
Fred and I both fell fast asleep on the couch after we started to watch it.
It was not my kind of movie, but I tried so hard to keep my eye's open to watch it. As soon as I put that snuggie on me, I was out for the night. I woke up at the end of the movie to find Fred sound asleep. Maybe we'll try again tonight!
Want a piece of me????? LOL

Something I didn't mention about today...
Jimm and Monica were following us home from Atlantic City...
As we were going over the Ben Franklin Bridge There was a line of traffic that came to an abrupt stop. We were in that lane. I slammed my brakes on as hard as I could, as fast as I could..... but the brakes made crazy jolting movements and I was sure I was going to hit the car in front of me. Worse yet, I look in my rear view mirror and I see Jimm in his huge SUV coming at me full speed ahead..... Jimm has always wanted a piece of my ass (LOL, as Monica said), but not exactly in the way it was about to happen. He too, slammed his brakes on, then in the last second, he swerved into the next lane.. and we were all spared. Whew, that was really the closest I ever came to becoming an accordion in my car. Needless to say, we were all a bit shaken..... Ok, a lot shaken, but we were so relieved that nothing happened to us, or anyone else.
When we got home we all laughed and joked about it, and then moved on.
Someone was looking out for us today. I'm sure of it.

I have a little more writing energy now to write about my night last night and my day today.
Arrived at Trump a little before 5 p.m. We were given a beautiful complimentary room for us, and one for Jimm and Monica. Never stayed at Marina. It was really tastefully decorated. Nice. My style.
Went down and played on the slot machines for awhile and then went to Hooters for a quick bite to eat before our pals arrived. Nice time at Hooters, and the food was pretty good too. I'm not much into ordering fried food, but a grilled cheese sandwich and some curly fries are pretty good once in awhile.
Jimm and Monica finally arrived after a 3 hour ride! Yeah!! At that point, I had already polished off more than half a bottle of wine, I was feeling really relaxed and ready for a good night. Monica didn't want to drink anything at first, but once she did, I think she was a happy girl for joining me! We finished off the wine, and then I remembered that I had bought a little bottle of Absolute Pear Vodka. I am SOOOO not a hard alcohol drinker, so that shot went down with a burn. LOL! It burned my throat and my ears. :) The only time I tasted Pear was in the aftertaste. I would never buy that stuff in a large bottle. I'm thinking I may never drink any of that again.
We had a great time on the Casino floor. Oh, almost forgot! The power went out through out the whole place and was being powered by a generator. I was wondering why it was so dark in the hallways of the Hotel. I am SO glad I wasn't in an elevator when it happened. I was actually in the hotel room, enjoying my wine when I saw the lights go out right outside our window. I think all their big Marina signs must have gone out. And the air went off... But, It didn't phase me in the slightest. As a matter a fact, I sort of liked it. :)
Anyway, I got in trouble for taking pictures in the Casino. A little Chinese man who worked there came running over to me pointing his finger at me telling me I can't take pictures in the Casino. OOPs. I kind of knew that, but I didn't think about it.. that must have been the wine... I DID enjoy feeling really tall when he approached me. He was a tiny little fella. I should have scooped him up and sat him on the top of my slot machine as a good luck charm. LOL! But, instead, I promptly put the camera away like a good girl. And, I waited until I was in a different part of the casino before I took it out again.
I think we were up until about 2 a.m., running around the casino like kids. I couldn't believe how empty the place was. Not like the old days I tell ya....
We all got up and went out for a nice breakfast this morning. I was very thirsty.
Then, off to Brigantine. It was like zero degrees out. I can't believe how bitter cold it was. Jimm and Monica were able to upgrade their timeshare for August, and I was so happy for them. I think they enjoy their week in Brigantine as much as I enjoy cruising. I love to see them happy. I know they were.. and I know they had fun last night... YAY!!!!!!
Just finished watching my favorite erotic movie of all time...

Look at the stars,
Look how they shine for you,
And everything you do,
Yeah they were all yellow,
I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called yellow
So then I took my turn
Oh all the things I've done
And it was all yellow
Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know you know I love you so
You know I love you so
I swam across
I jumped across for you
Oh all the things you do
Cause you were all yellow
I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh what a thing to do
And it was all yellow
Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know for you i bleed myself dry
For you i bleed myself dry
Its true look how they shine for you
Saturday, and home safe and sound...
Good time at the Marina. I am sorta feeling it now, though :)
It has been a long time since I had such a nice time at any casino. I suppose I needed to loosen up a little. And, I did. It was a late night of enjoying wine and a little Pear vodka (ick) and of course some slot playing. Great time laughing and being silly with Fred, Jimm and Monica.
Here are some photo's that I took yesterday and last night.

It has been a long time since I had such a nice time at any casino. I suppose I needed to loosen up a little. And, I did. It was a late night of enjoying wine and a little Pear vodka (ick) and of course some slot playing. Great time laughing and being silly with Fred, Jimm and Monica.
Here are some photo's that I took yesterday and last night.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Leaving soon to spend the night at Trump Marina!
I've packed a really fine bottle of wine, look out!!!!!!
Bundled up, and a twisted ankle, so I may not be as dolled up tonight as I was originally planning... I'm okay with that. I should probably wear flats tonight anyway if I'm going to be drinking. :)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
This is Thursday but it's my Friday!

The photo above, yes... it's me. :)
And, it keeps me on track with my 356 day project.
Well, today at work gave me a headache. I LOVE MY JOB.
I really do... BUT, if ever I thought that I didn't love my job, this would have been the week for it, hands down. I don't ever remember being this stressed at my job before. But, I took tomorrow off, and I am focused on getting every bit of the stress and frustration out of my system.... this weekend!!!!!
Snow tonight. THAT totally sucks. I am so tired of this winter weather. We'll see what happen tomorrow. I am not looking forward to a snowy morning. I am still going to AC. No matter what. Might be later than I expected ... but I really need to get away.
Fred is installing a DVD burner program that I discovered today. I hope it works well and is fairly easy to use. I want to start burning movies!!!!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Ok Erin... today you are a major slacker! You forgot to bring your camera with you in your purse! That means, in order to complete the 356 day task, you must take a few lame pictures of your same old same old face. Ugh... I suck!!!!!!
But, I have succeeded at the task at hand.
Wait until Jimm and Monica deal with me this weekend. I'll be pulling the camera out and getting some pictures of them to spice this blog up!!!!
So, today there was a dent made in my week long dilemma. It was officially announced that I will be moving over to the Vice President, and Assistant Vice President's side of the office. This means, more direct contact and support to them, and of course the President. I can do this. I expect that Ed will stick to his promise to me of bigger and better things in my future with Advancement.... The only thing I can do now is put all of my faith in his word. I do believe he will support me 100% like he said he will........whew.
This Friday we're headed to Trump Marina. Monica and Jimm will meet us there. It should be really nice. I was really glad that I was able to get them a comp room too, otherwise we wouldn't be seeing them! Although we spent NYE with them, it feels like we haven't really spent much time with them in months. It's been such a weird time these past few months... I'm looking forward to something "normal".
In any event, I am definitely looking forward to having Friday off, and to having a positive, happy weekend. I'm in desperate need of that.......

But, I have succeeded at the task at hand.
Wait until Jimm and Monica deal with me this weekend. I'll be pulling the camera out and getting some pictures of them to spice this blog up!!!!
So, today there was a dent made in my week long dilemma. It was officially announced that I will be moving over to the Vice President, and Assistant Vice President's side of the office. This means, more direct contact and support to them, and of course the President. I can do this. I expect that Ed will stick to his promise to me of bigger and better things in my future with Advancement.... The only thing I can do now is put all of my faith in his word. I do believe he will support me 100% like he said he will........whew.
This Friday we're headed to Trump Marina. Monica and Jimm will meet us there. It should be really nice. I was really glad that I was able to get them a comp room too, otherwise we wouldn't be seeing them! Although we spent NYE with them, it feels like we haven't really spent much time with them in months. It's been such a weird time these past few months... I'm looking forward to something "normal".
In any event, I am definitely looking forward to having Friday off, and to having a positive, happy weekend. I'm in desperate need of that.......

Random Fact About Erin....
I have had the tendency of approaching COMPLETE strangers and hugging them, OR... posing with them for a self portrait.
In this case... I think I did both.
I enjoy when they're good sports about it. :)
These people happened to work on the NCL Dawn. Three different people, from
3 different countries. Fun!

In this case... I think I did both.
I enjoy when they're good sports about it. :)
These people happened to work on the NCL Dawn. Three different people, from
3 different countries. Fun!

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