I failed to take a single photo today for my 356 day project. Just when I realized this, I decided I would quit the whole idea. Soon after that passing thought, I decided that I'm better than that. No, I'm not perfect, but I'm not a quitter either. I can mess up, dust myself off and start fresh the next day. SO, that's exactly what I'm going to do. I am NOT giving up on my goal..... keep your eyes out for many pictures to come. I'm just taking today off. :)
I rode into to work with Mom today so Fred could use my car to take care of Mr. Morrisey. He just found out that he has cancer and he needs treatment right away. Mrs. Morrisey is very sick, so she can't take care of him, and they have nobody to help them. I am so glad that Fred looks out for them. They love him so much. Both this Thanksgiving and last, he drove to their house and dropped off a nice, hot meal fot them. I know he loves them too. I sure hope they both make it through these tough times. I know Mr. Morrisey is only doing the treatments so he can get better, so he can take care of her. That is so sweet, so rare. God bless them both....
Work was so busy for me today. It was non stop. I was happy that even with all the work on me, I got up and left my desk for a nice lunch. Meg and I had some things to work out, and we did just that. I can't take any conflict in the office. It just weighs so heavy on me. I wanted to be sure we made peace, and that we were okay with everything. Now, on to the next step... moving. I have no idea when we'll do this, but I think it's a lot more complicated than Ed expected. I seem to have the least amount of requests and expectations. I feel really good about that. I'm at the point now where I just want it to happen soon so I can move on with it. I don't want a long dragged out process. Let's hope for the best!
So, here I am.. at the close of yet another Monday. I made it through. :)