In My Bedroom

My Gumball Machine
The Cars on this snowy day
Me in my XB
Roxy and my newest piggy bank
Today I begin the "356" day project. My own personal challenge to post at least one photo a day for the remainder of 2011. Had I started this on the 1st, it would have been my 365 day project. But, I'm a late starter! And so I begin.. starting with photo's taken today.
I am doing this in hopes that someday in the future I will have memories and stories for people to read and view.. especially for my family, close friends and loved ones. I intend on posting happy, sad, good, bad.. Nature shot, my pets, my travels.. you name it. If it's posted, I was there, and I lived it! The picture may, or may not need an explanation. (lol)
I'll do my usual blogging, but I'm going to post a picture along with, or without my usual daily blogs!
Ready, set... GO!
To view these photo's in full size, simply click on them! Each and every photo (unless it is of me sometimes) is taken by ME! Enjoy. This is going to be fun!