Well, Brooke has her very first Dance in the 9th grade. It's some type of semi-formal event. She's very excited. I mean, considering. Tyler broke her heart, but there's a few boys that would love to take her.. and yesterday, her friend Shane asked her, and she accepted. I'm happy for her. I know she'll have a nice time. I also know that I'm happy that she's going with a friend. Someone who she can laugh with, and not take the whole thing so seriously. I suppose she's going to need a pretty dress. I look forward to taking her shopping for something pretty. Nice... Should be fun.
My 9th grade dance. It wasn't quite the same as Brooke's will be.
I did go out shopping for a beautiful dress. I can picture it as clear as day. It was perfect. I loved it. I actually felt really beautiful in it. I couldn't wait to go....
I'll never forget the day of the dance. I was beyond excited. I had everything all figured out. The shoes I'd wear, the make-up. I knew exactly how I'd wear my hair. I just couldn't wait.
I got ready. I came down to show my parents how I looked. I was beautiful! They smiled and were excited for me. I thought. However, even with all the anxious feelings going through me, I could sense trouble.
Then, it all came crashing down. My Mom and Dad sat me down to talk to me. It seemed they were having trouble in their marriage. They had decided, that very day, that my Dad was going to spend some time at my Grandfather's house in Huntington. I was completely heart broken. I couldn't believe what was happening to our "perfect" family... or so what I thought to be the "perfect" family....
Why made them think that telling me this before my dance was the right thing to do? They knew how long I had been looking forward to it. They knew how much time and effort I put in to the dress, the shoes... my hair, my make-up. It was my first dance... and, I was devastated. Not at all what I had in mind.
So, I remember going back upstairs, cleaning up my face. I wanted to make the best of it. I'd try to put my thoughts about my parents off, until after. It was hard, but I wanted to go, and have a great time. I waited so long for this night. It was like a dream.... why did they tell me this on such a special night.
I watched the clock. I tried so hard not to think about my parents. I had so many questions, but they would have to wait. Soon I realized that my date was about 30 minutes late. I remember pacing back and forth.. checking my face in the mirror to be sure that there was no sign of me crying...
An hour passed.. no date. I was now missing the beginning of the dance....
I called him. No answer. Soon, almost an hour and a half passed....
My Mom offered to take me. She said I shouldn't wait anymore. I didn't like the sound of it, but I couldn't imagine missing the dance.....
SO, off I went.. and Mom dropped me off, alone. It wasn't at all how I pictured it would be. I didn't dance. I didn't get flowers... I was one of the only girls there without a date.
I never did hear from him. Not a word, not even an apology....
The days following the dance, my Dad left. He was gone for the whole summer after I got out of the 9th grade... I never really knew why, until I was in my 20's.
Funny what we remember, and what we forget.
I hope Brooke's 9th grade dance is wonderful, and she laughs, dances, and feels as beautiful as she'll look.