Going back to work on a Monday after a nice long vacation is so difficult! I had such a hard time getting moving, but had no choice but to get some quick work done for Jonathan and Mort's visit to Florida. They're leaving Wednesday, so until then, I'll be a busy little bee! Nothing like jumping in head first! I'm exhausted!
I also started my new/old diet today. And, so far (it's 6:20 p.m.) I've done it 100% for the day!!!! Hip Hip Hooray!!! Day 1 is usually the hardest day... but today wasn't so bad. I am focused, baby! I joined a group with some of my girly friends in the Harrisburg area. We're going to support each other on getting in shape and losing these pounds! The group is on facebook, so it's easy to check in and everything. With that being said, I'm signing up for a 26 mile Marathon in Harrisburg for November, 2011. I can walk it, so I'm in! And, I have a partner that wants to walk it with me. Cat, one of my first girly love girls. Mwwwah! I can't wait to do this. I have to get in shape. I have to stop being so lazy. I can do this!!!!!
http://www.harrisburgmarathon.com/homeIE.asp - this is where I'll be doing my 26.2 mile marathon!!!!! I have 313 days to get ready for it!!! I need something like this to focus on. Healthy changes for 2011!!!!
My hubby is so depressed today. He's been depressed for awhile. I hate that for him. I want him to feel good and be happy. My Brooke is depressed. I want her to be happy and feel good. I wish it was something easy to change. It's not. It's life.... I hate it. I wish it was better than it is for him. And, for her... I wish she felt better.. *sigh.
Oops.. I have to run to the store so hubby can get beer. I'll be back to blog in just a bit.