I've always been very afraid of change.....
And, to avoid failure, sometimes I don't take the leap I need to take to reach success.
For years, I would lay in bed at night scared that I would die in my sleep.
It's only been for a short time that I've let that go. Somehow, I finally put my faith in god, and started to believe that I will wake up each day to carry on with my journey. It feels pretty good.
I worry about some of the small things. Sometimes, the big things don't phase me. I often wonder if that's a mental handicap.
And, when people sneeze and they don't cover their mouth, I hold my breath, or I walk quickly in the opposite direction. Last night I was in a store and a man sneezed. I forgot what I was looking for, and I walked the long way to get where I needed to go, just to avoid his germs.