I can't say enough just how glad I am that this week is coming to a close. I mean that. This week at work has been so busy and crazy with so many different things going on all at once.
Tonight is a lazy, stay at home night with wine, my favorite scented candles, and some peace and quiet. It's a kid free home until Sunday. Usually we have at least 4 teenagers running around, listening to loud music, chatting on the phone, playing computer games, Wii or X-Box Live. Tonight... we'll have none of that! I sure do hope they have a nice weekend at their cousin's house!!!
No big plans yet for the rest of the weekend. I do want to go out somewhere and have a little fun. I have no idea what that will be yet.....
So, we're down to 3 cats. After these cats I am vowing to have no more pets. I cannot take it emotionally anymore. It completely wipes me out when something happens to them. We've lost 6 cats in less than 12 years due to illness. It's just crazy. I'm not sure I still believe in the whole theory that cats have 9 lives. If they do, they aren't living their extra lives over here. I am not doing it anymore!!!!!
A friend of mine gave me a fun toy to play with, but I left it at work!! UGH! I wanted to bring it home this weekend, especially since my girlfriend Ilyndove tried to snag it from me... lol, not happening. It was funny though. She's so silly.
I look forward to testing it out. Same toy my girlfriend Monica has. I'll have to see if she's used hers... woohoooooo!!!!!!
I am at a loss for blogging right now. I have nothing really to talk about right now. I think I really really need a good night's sleep!!!!
Well, time to relax. Gotta get the candle out. Bath & Body rules!