And what a day it was! BUSY BUSY BUSY!!! Seems like it's more difficult than ever to catch a break this year! LOL Whew.. what did they do, hold all the work that needed to be done and give it to me at the start of 2011? Cut me a break my friends....
But, the nice break today was when Ed took us to K.C Prime. What a great group of people I work with. He took 9 of us to celebrate our partial completion of a major project we completed as a team, last week. It was nice. The project goes on for me, and for a few others, but we really pulled together and made it happen! Look, even Dorothy joined us! She was a great help, too! Although she's been a "temp" for a year, we adore her, and would love for her to stay on with our group. Unfortunately, she is happy being a temp, as she has her own project she's working on.. she's writing a book. You go girl!!!! When you go, we'll miss you!!!

Other than our fabulous lunch out, it was a busy day at the office. Mort did pull through and sent out the announcement that we'll be off from work tomorrow. I guess he's really looking out for us. I am glad I don't have to stress over trying to drive to work in messy weather. I hate that! And then, if I don't go in when we have work, I always feel guilty. I'm happy that I don't have to worry about it tomorrow.
So, it's time to go home!!!! Yeah, I'm outta here for the day!!!!

But, on to the school to pick Brooke up from Cheer, and then off to Pizza Hut where I'll whip up a quick hot meal for the family.. (lol)
There was no way I wanted Fred to have to think about what to cook up for dinner. I know he had a super duper busy day today, and he'll be on a terrible bad schedule for snow removal late tonight and into tomorrow. He's talking about leaving at midnight. I dread when he goes... I listen to the wind outside, I see the snow coming down.. and I feel horrible. I hate that he has to deal with stupid snow removal. I hate hate hate it!

But for now... everyone is home... safe and sound. Tummy's are full, and we're all doing our thing. Just keeping an eye on the weather...

356 day project... success!