So, today was quite a lazy day. Although I look pretty full of life in this picture (it is from today), I feel like I could have stayed in bed all day long!!!!
Went to Freddy's apartment with some pizza to celebrate Bethany's 4th Birthday. The apartment is looking good. They're making it, and it must feel like an incredible accomplishment for them. I hope it continues to get easier as time passes. I know it's a great experience for them as a family. I wasn't feeling really well, so we didn't stay that long. We had pizza, sang Happy Birthday, cake, gifts, and out the door. Bethany was happy we were there. The kids are absolutely adorable.
Other exciting stuff going on...
Mom and Dad and the house in Stony Brook. This house is located right up the street from where I grew up. It's not something they're looking into buying to live in on a permanent basis, but rather on weekends, during the summer at times, etc.. and a nice bonus would be that it would be available to me when I wanted to go visit the Island. I would go a lot more often if I had a place to land. Staying in Hotels are limited and get expensive, and staying with my Granny is pretty much uncomfortable, so I haven't done that in years. So, if Mom and Dad get this house, it would be an incredible investment, as well as a great opportunity for me to go back to my roots and spend some time re-visiting my life as it once was.... I think by the sounds of it, I'll be making a day trip out there next weekend to see the house. Fred will be taking a look at the structure of the house, and all the heating, plumbing, etc to see if it's okay. I know nothing about that stuff, so I am just interested in seeing the house, the location, running around town for a bit... I can easily entertain myself there. I am always looking for something to jog my memories of living there. And, I'm always looking around to see if I recognize people, places, etc... it's nice. Feels strange going there, and I want it to feel good. I hope to be visiting a lot more often to where it feels comfortable again. I don't know if that makes sense, but it's how I feel.
I hope they buy the house. I'm pretty excited about it, and I know they are too. They can't stop talking about it. I think it's sweet. I sure hope it all works out. Life is to short to not be enjoying it all... and I think it would benefit everyone if they buy it.