Oh Happy Hump Day!!! I am SO glad to be over the hump of this week! It had been nothing short of crazy busy at work this week. I've been making up for the weeks before Christmas that it was fun, easy, full of parties, etc... Insane!
This morning I was proud to speak up to one of my bosses. I was in the middle of a project yesterday when she came to me (all stressed out) and acted as though I was stupid for the way I was handling something. This morning I brought it in to her and she was very impressed. I told her... "See, I'm not stupid". Oops.. so I wasn't thinking really well before I said it, but she immediately told me she didn't feel that way at all! I know she did, but it cleared things up between us. I know she would absolutely fall apart if she didn't have me. She knows it TOO, and she does value me as an assistant. I'm grateful that she lets me know that most of the time.
Tomorrow I hope to finish up this darn mailing and be a little less stressed.
It's freezing out. I am already looking forward to spring.
So, Mom and Dad did their quick run to Stony Brook. They're not sure what to do. I think they have decided to submit their offer, with 1/2 down, but they won't be offering as much as they originally thought they would. I hope, what ever it is that happens, they learn something positive about this whole moving/ buying a house. I'd love to see them get a second residence so they don't have to move away from me. I'd hate that. Plus, I'm not sure Mom would want to live permanently in Stony Brook ever again. I know those weren't the best years of her life. Who would want to go back to a place with such dark memories.... I know I never want to go back to Missouri! ICK!!!! I know, it's not the same, I'm just sayin'.
Speaking of Stony Brook. Here's something that I've been realizing. I think that when I left, back in 1986, I was so deeply hurt. I know, I think I've mentioned this in a recent blog already.. but I've really been thinking about it. I loved it there. It was my home. I had some really nice, and really special friends there that I completely disconnected from ever since I left. That's no big deal until you actually sit down and think about it for awhile. It was almost like I threw away the first part of my life and never looked back. I was always proud of how I could do that... never look back.. but lately I feel like I just totally closed myself out of people's lives, and it ended up affecting me the most. Life is so strange and unusual. The older I get, the more I think about things..... *sigh I can't explain it..... and, that's okay....