So today I was feeling more like my old self. I have been way off for awhile, and I've hated it. Today, I felt like me again. I wonder just how much it's the weather, or the daily stresses of life that seem to get me down. I enjoyed feeling good. I definitely don't enjoy feeling blue..... I'm going to work really hard at keeping myself feeling good and well.
Work was also less stressful today. It was actually the best day of non stress since I came back after the Christmas season. I didn't get a whole lot of packing done for my move, but I do plan on getting a bunch of that stuff done tomorrow. By this Friday I should be totally moved to my new location in the office. It's been really weighing heavy on me, but I also know that I'm very much a creature of habit, and any change in life seems to affect me emotionally. I really appreciate Ed taking the time to invite me into his office, and having such a good conversation with me. I don't want to feel angry and resentful. I hate both of those emotions and I know they don't equal anything positive or productive. I am hoping that I'll be in a whole new position with my career in the next 18 months. I'm going to put everything into it, and with that, I do expect some really positive results.
I was happy to breathe the air outside when I left work today. It was actually very beautiful outside. When I came in this morning, it was snowy and freezing. I can't say enough just how much I look forward to Spring!
I got some weekend stuff accomplished tonight when I got home from work. I didn't do my usual chores since we were away, so I am trying to catch up so this weekend won't be so overwhelming. I'm looking forward to having some fun on Friday and or Saturday. I think it's good to try to keep things going in a happy direction. I've had like 3 good weekends in a row. I don't want things to head in the other direction. I will do all that I can to keep it nice, happy, fun and playful.
I'm not getting on the treadmill tonight. But, I'm sitting a little closer to it. :) Does that count? Tomorrow I plan on putting 30 minutes in. If I can do that a few times a week to start, I'll move up to 45 minutes next week! I really really want to get in better shape this year. The better shape I'm in, the better I feel. I can't wait until all the yummy fruits and vegetables are in season. I love some healthy, delicious salads.
4 weeks until Spring. I don't want to wish any of my life away, but I am so ready for the sunshine and warm weather!