Well, today was officially my last day in my area at work after nearly 3 years! I didn't think about it much, but I do believe I'll miss my first spot in the office of University Advancement. Tomorrow I will move on over to the other side, and be steps closer to some of the greatest people in the office. I am being supported by the Assistant Vice President of the University to move forward and up in the company. With his guidance, I look forward to some bigger and better opportunities that will be coming my way. I hope to move on to the next level and out of the union within the next 18 months. Although it will take time, I believe in what will be.
And, I also made some fun plans for mid March, when Rider gives us a day off to kick off "Spring Break". I look forward to yet another fun filled weekend with our friends Jimm and Monica! We'll start off with a fun night at the Casino's and a free night at the Taj and the Marina, and then on Saturday we'll head on over to the Passport Inn over in Absecon for our casual night of drinking, smoking cigars, and being silly. I hope it's a nice night! Heck, I'll even bring some outside chairs and sit out there with my bestie and our scented, fruit flavored cigars!!! lol
Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday! I haven't had a bad week, but again, I am ready for the weekend to begin. I don't have any big plans yet, other than Sunday when my parents come over for dinner... but I am looking forward to having off. :)
I have totally and completely failed the 356 day photo project. Heck, I'm not even sure where my camera is right now!!!
Tonight I cooked a fun and easy dinner. And soon I will get my sorry behind on the treadmill. I am not giving up. I don't care how bad it hurts my hip. I am going to get into shape!!!!! UGH!!!!!
Oh, and last but certainly not least. Tyler FINALLY asked Brooke out. I'm nervous. If he breaks her heart, I will just shake him so hard. This girl has been crazy for him for so long, and she is so excited right now. I hope he treats her nice and is respectful to her. It's hard enough being a regular teenager... but a teenager in love is twice as hard!!!!! Fingers crossed.
I conquered my treadmill tonight! Yay me!!!!!!