This is a a work in progress. I am sure there's so much more, but these are some things that definitely come to mind.
Places I want to visit:
-Switzerland (only because my brother and his family live there)
-Las Vegas
-I traveled across Country as a little girl. I want to do it as an adult.I'd love to stay in old, cool motels and eat at Mom and Pop Diners from the 50's. (On this trip I'd like to avoid Missouri).ick....
-Aruba, Jamaica....
- I want to go back to my hometown and walk the steps I did as a child. I want to go to the Stony Brook Mill pond and feed the ducks. Walk along Sand Street Beach and search for Indian paint pods and sparkling little rocks. I want to walk through the village early in the morning, so I can enjoy the peace, like how it used to be. I want to take off my shoes and walk down the village green and sit by the little pond and dip my feet in. And then I want to cross the street and stare up at Hercules. I want to breathe the fresh salt air. Yep... I can see it clearly. :)
I want to get in the best shape of my life.
Learn how to pole dance, and go back to belly dancing class. And put on my own personal show :)
I want to fly in an Airplane without being full of fear
Sing in a Karaoke Bar
Take a Cruise out of Florida to somewhere totally new and different
I want to rent a Jet ski in Bermuda and go Para sailing there, too.
Shopping spree...without worrying about money
I want to roller skate again
Take a vacation on a sleeper Train
Buy a condo or home by the beach
Do a sexy photo shoot and love the way I look and feel
Have a big party with all of the friends I have, both near and far. Just because
Go to NYC and see another Broadway show
Gain the strength and ability to stop worrying about things so much
Get a full body massage at a spa, followed by a manicure, pedicure, facial, and all sorts of girly treatments
Get Hypnotized. One on One... to remember things lost or forgotten
Go on a trip to really rural areas and go to a ton of flea markets and yard sales. An entire week long trip just for that.
I DO believe in Unicorns
Own a fancy, girly car that I love to drive and feel super sexy and beautiful in
Spend the day in China Town. In Philadelphia. New York City China Town is scary to me for some reason.
Show up at my Granny's as a surprise and take her to the movies and out to lunch
Spend an afternoon with my Dad
Spend an afternoon with my Mom
Go on more one on one dates with my kids before they're to old to want to anymore
Go back to that cool place with Fred by the Susquehanna River for the whole weekend
Spend a weekend with Joey and Rose
Be there to watch both of my kids grow up into beautiful and successful adults.
Watch my kids get happily married, and have families of their own
Okay, that's enough for now. This is a list that will grow. No doubt. But, these are things I thought of without really digging....