Happy Thursday......
Is it winter again or something? It's absolutely freezing out!!!
Today was an okay day. A little weird, but in the end, it was okay......
It was really nice taking a break with the girls and getting out of the office for awhile. I had a moment where I was slightly uncomfortable at lunch, when they had some incredible desserts and I had to refrain. I struggled for a moment, but once I left I felt an incredible amount of accomplishment. Why on earth would I even want that crap in my body at this point when it takes so much effort to burn it off at the gym. I was proud of myself. And, by the time I got back to the office it was all behind me. A little bit of strength is all I really need. I made the joke at lunch that I couldn't eat the dessert when it was offered to me because I want to be able to wear my gold bikini with pride this summer. Such a bikini at the point doesn't exist, but I'll tell you what, it sure as hell will, as soon as I reach my goal, I am getting myself that damn bikini that I want. No, it may not be gold, but it sure will represent the swimsuit I am referring to that's keeping me motivated. Look out, I'm on a roll and I'm not giving up. Each Monday I will try to remember to post my weight loss for the week. Since I started this new journey on a Monday, I feel like that would be the best day to track my accomplishments.
I rocked it at the gym today. I set the bar pretty high, and I met the goals that I set. Knowing that I am not committed to the gym again until Monday made it easy for me to push myself a little. I really enjoy sweating, and going a little crazy with my exercise. When I leave that place, I feel like it was totally worth every moment I spent in there. It's all good. :)
Work wasn't overwhelming this week, and I'm happy about that. There's a lot of stuff going on in my office, and a lot of people are really up against some big deadlines and numbers. Me, well, I'm totally off the radar, so I am happy about that. It seems like someone is always in hot water. Just glad it's not me. I want to continue to do well in my position, and part of that is to not get all caught up in the politics of the job. I hate to be stuck in the middle, so I have just been keeping to myself a lot and watching things play themselves out. I really want to be promoted within the next year, so my long term goal is what I keep at the top of my mind. I know I can do this. So, with work, everything has been back to good, and I'm glad.....
I'm also trying to make some plans for the summer with my best girlfriend. We're going back and forth with idea of fun things that will keep us all happy and busy this summer. Last summer was okay, but I don't think it was as good as it could have been. The clock is ticking and life is moving along. If we don't live and grow, we become old. I refuse to go down that easily. I want to live and have a good time in life. I want memories...positive ones, that will go on with me in my future.
I am also looking forward to flextime. I am planning on doing a lot of 3:30 days. The only thing I have to do to make that possible is make it in by 8:00 a.m. I can do that! And, I am really looking forward to half day Fridays. I love getting out at noon and having some time to do what I like. It's usually shopping of some sort, but that's all good for me. If the pool is warm, and the days are sunny, I might lay out by the pool and make the best of it. We couldn't wait to have a pool, yet so often it wasn't utilized like it could have been.
And, I plan on having a few really good parties here this summer. I will extend the invitation to anyone who wants to come over and party with us. I think the largest party here, we had almost 30 people. It was a Halloween party. I want a summer party like that. We always have a lot of different types of people here which is really nice, and everyone enjoys getting to know each other. These are just some ideas I have.
I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. Even though this week has gone by really quickly, I am definitely ready for the weekend. There's no set plan, but I could use the time to relax and get things done at home. I am also hoping to get some things listed on ebay. I wish I still had some of the connections I had back when I was in business for myself. I had an endless supply of things to sell, and I made more money than I've ever made in all of my life. LOL .. I don't expect to ever have it that easy again with the economy and all, but it would be nice to see some extra cash rolling in again. I have a lot I want to do, so I need to start earning some play money!
So, that's about it for tonight. I am having terrible cramps but I am trying to ignore them for as long as I can before I have to take medicine. This is about the only time of the month I dread being a girl. UGH. Tomorrow is worse, so I better double up on the meds.