I'm in Elizabethtown for the weekend. I am SO freakin' glad to be out of town!!
Today was insane. So many crazy things happening, I was afraid if I didn't get away, I'd go crazy. Seriously.....
I hardly ate today. I know I didn't eat all that I was supposed to. But, now I feel good. On the way to Jimm and Monica's we stopped at Sonic. I had a grilled chicken sadnwich on a whole wheat bun, no mayo. It was perfect. SO, today.. all I ate was a little yogurt, 1 cup of All Bran cereal, and the chicken. And, I'm fine. :)
I am looking forward to tomorrow...
Flea Market, looking at a house, getting lottery tickets for the powerball, and going to Hollywood Casino with Jimm, Monica, Fred, and meeting some friends of theirs over there.
I'm just happy to be away...
I had the worst April's fool joke EVER played on me, and I also got some other disturbing news... It's a wonder I'm not 2 bottles into my way to a major wine drunk. Instead, I'm drinking my flavored water and relaxing on my recliner at my best friends house. :)
I'm going to take pictures with my new camera, and try to keep up with my blogging this weekend.
Life is like a test....
and, I'm determined to pass.